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Memory is the treasure of the soul, and Sambuca di Sicilia is full of characters to celebrate, each with their own particular story that leaves a mark for future generations.

In the journey through memory, Sambuca remembers Rosa and Caterina Bona, two Sambuca women who, driven by the hope of building a better life, emigrated to the United States, meeting the tragic fate that saw them victims of the fire that hit the "Triangle Shirtwaist Company" fabric factory.

Sambuca has always been a cradle of artists and writers. Among them was the 18th-century painter Fra Felice da Sambuca, a Capuchin friar who produced numerous works for his town that constitute a sampling of his multifaceted figurative language from which a realistic concreteness shines through due to the need to have to offer the faithful an immediate communication of the divine in the everyday.

Among the protagonists of the last years of the nineteenth century and the mid-twentieth century, Sambuca recalls Alfonso Amorelli, a talented painter, sculptor, decorator, set designer and fresco painter with a futurist imprint, and Gianbecchina, a Sambucese artist who-through the masterful use of the colors of his land-recreates authentic scenes of daily life related to the harsh reality of Sicily in the last century.

Outstanding personalities include the Sambucese writer Emmanuele Navarro della Miraglia, whose novel "La Nana" marks the beginning of Verism in Italy.


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